Made Better with Science
Those eggheads at MacPhoenix: Tech work ’round the clock to make the world a better place.
Desktop Pictures
The latest edition

“Whenever i start working on something—whether it’s an image or a song or whatever, it always starts off as something really simple and very concrete. Often, by the time the original idea has traveled through all the creating and tweaking, it doesn’t always convey where the idea has evolved to.” —rich(e)rich
Available in: 800x600 | 1024x768
The Desktop Archives
View the Desktop Archives for more desktop pictures by rich(e)rich, Vicky, and Jonathan!
How to Make a Website
Eggheads Recommend
We’re committed to helping out anyway we can. We have a list of programs and devices that we’ve used, and we’re sharing that knowledge with you.
Affiliated Sites
These are sites that the Eggheads had a part in developing:
What We Use
The following are the ingredients that we use to make MacPhoenix: WebSpace the loungiest site on the World Wide Web:
Our Host
- Apple iMac 700MHz G4
- Bare Bones BBEdit 8
- Optima Sytems PageSpinner
- Lemke Software Graphic Converter
- Apple Safari
- Mozilla Firefox
- Adobe Illustrator
Languages & Environments
- XHTML 1.0
- CSS 2.1
- PHP 4
- mySQL 4
- XML/RSS feed in Blog