afterward, as your already-wet sheets found more of our satisfied sweat,
your slightly-trembling fingers traced your afterthoughts onto my belly.
your pictures feel like self-awareness there on my skin,
your unconscious images have also tickled my mind and if you do not mind,
i am sketching them for posterity.
the need which i fulfill for you is clear,
but do you really know why i come here?
a moment before, as your blankets tumbled wildly around us,
your movement against me felt so real it helped my heart keep time.
your beat is unlike any other,
you reached deep in me with a rhythm that made me flow and if you do not mind,
i am using it in my next song.
the need which I fulfill for you is clear,
but do you really know why i come here?
and long minutes before that, your as-yet-peaceful sheets growing warm around us,
your words formed narrative to accelerate the effect of my body moving on top of yours.
your voice has symmetry and sense,
you elicit sounds, hardly even syllables, which collect here between the sheets and if you do not mind,
i am writing them in my diary.
the need which i fulfill for you is clear,
but do you really know why i come here?
and in turn before that, as your eyes casually fell on your bed in the corner,
your choreographed composure touched my cheek to convince me of our impending tryst.
your gestures suggestive of passion and purpose,
you’ve mastered motion as a means and if you do not mind,
i am dancing with my own will tonight.
the need which i fulfill for you is clear,
but do you really know why i come here?