MacPhoenix: Webspace: Creative:

Ignorance Is Bliss


And you persist to be lost in the mist of false happiness,
Clouded with manifesting centric views,
Cancerous to reality.
Blasphemous actually,
Masking factuality and using evangelist talents to excuse the misuse of prophecies,
Abusing your own policies,
Lacking the sight to see life in the light it was meant to be.
For centuries,
Necessities meant to be fought for and obtained through war,
Attain a tainted sense of self, when,
For senseless wealth, ideals are bought and traded for.

Yet, you ignore the score,
Keeping all of your flaws in laws, locked in floors and stored behind doors,
And find yours stocked in lockjaws.
The raw cause of our quest for what’s next,
And the source,
Washes up on shores, falls from the north as the falcon soars,
While you show applause to what hangs from a cross on your bedroom walls.
What I see appalls.
And causes falls of words in doubt to flow from my lips pores and mouth,
Calling you out.
Not for a battle of clout,
but for a bout to allow the fountain of clarity,
Purify impurities of royalty priorities,
Encrypted with images, diminishing visions of reality.
It’s a travesty that your,
Alleyway of darkness and outlook through fogs with,
Tunnel vision mindset,
Neglect effects of direction,
Limiting perception,
And causing a lack of wisdom found in peripheral perspectives.
Until you’re left to guess with answers of the past,
Assuming your stance behind the masses and rose colored glasses,
Passing through life with hopes of afterlife chances,

Waiting for answers.

Well, if you’ve asked than that’s half the quest,
The rest is the sense possessed, swept among lessons of what’s left,
See, eventual wisdom blessed becomes indelibly etched,
In places, where the best and worst of memories are kept,
Proving that conscious steps, to realize what’s next,
Will reveal times disguise and life’s intent.
With awareness being the applicable implement.
Or a paradigm shift must be too much to suggest,
Instead you neglect and revert back to the text.
Causing me to question next,
Is it ignorance? Or
your intimacy with the comfort or the safety of the status quo existing in the AverageJoe?

It challenges my mind to know that after all this time we could be so blindly satisfied,
By reasons why the sky is blue,
Why 1 and 2 look like they do,
Why do eyes not grow on flowers,
My how the blessed bird does fly,
Yet drowns without speaking power,
And if time is of essence in this world of ours, why is there no thirteenth hour?

Fictitious superstitions and unenlightened ambitions,
Exhibit the prisons of our misguided missions.
And explain why we’ve come so far in pushing the bar on what we seek to find,
Yet, still we find it hard to speak to god.
Oh we can use the energy to power cars,
Utilize water as a power source,
Solicit the land for guided tours,
But we can’t quite figure out when the rain will fall,
All along using a fraction of what the brain is for,
Resulting in wars,
And laws that leaves truth hard to find and knowledge confined behind political walls

Walls with no light.

Despite lightless hideaways, I choose life’s highway,
And as I stand on the concrete SUNRISE, my eyes watch the abstract sunset,
Against what’s left of a daily mess,
All now left to exist in darkness among hearts with intentions that root motivation
From evasion and suspicion of truth deprivation.

For, true appreciation, is seeing and accepting the blessings of, ) abstract creation (.
As existence of necessity takes precedence over the presence of plights in the mind,
So, should time faces disgraces in life, focus your attention on the moonlight,
So you might, unmask the blessings in disguise,
The blessings di-sguise,
The blessings in,

That allow our eyes to realize that behind the lies, lies life,
And in spite, precious creations still exist to be absorbed,
And stimulate sensations to resist the absurd,
Resulting in reciprocating creations,
Much like the lines on these pages,
That sends life’s essence,
Suspended in message,
Through every,
And sentence.