
This World of Beauty

Short Subjects Silliness


I always found it weird that dogs and cats don’t really care about your clothing, and if they see you take off your shirt they don’t freak out even though it kinda seems like they should think you’re taking off your fur. Or like, you have the power to make light turn on or off, […]

Friday Cat Blogging Short Subjects

Feline Fascination

Friday Cat Blogging Short Subjects

The Indignity of Being Jinx

Jinx has suffered a lot of indignities in her life.

Friday Cat Blogging

Indy on Water

Indy has a small, narrow head which helps him drink water from a variety of containers. Katherine hates when he tries to drink her water, having gone to such lengths as putting a plate over her glass when it’s on her nightstand. Indy eventually learned how to defeat this security system by knocking the plate […]


Nothing but random

I have one superpower—incredible, random aim. Year ago, I threw a small rock across the Sunrise Highway Service Road and beaned my friend on the other side on the *top* of head. I wasn’t particularly aiming at him, and I was throwing the rock in a long arc. I was mocking him, as he was […]

Essays Friday Cat Blogging

Jonny Tewkatz

Writing about my cats is easy. As cats, they have no expectation of privacy, so I can tell everyone their dark, dark secrets. They’re soft and cuddly, and have a built-in audience, slightly smaller than the audience for dogs, slightly more than the audience for other people’s children. And, since I spend an inordinately unhealthy […]

Essays Friday Cat Blogging

My cat’s breath smells like carrots

Look, I completely understand the desire to eat well-rounded meals. It’s great that we’re ever concerned with eating more fruits and vegetables, reducing white starches, increasing our sources of protein. But I’m here to tell you: Your pets don’t need it. A few weeks ago, I was struck by the increasingly needless crap manufacturers are […]


About MacPhoenix

*Short version:* He’s just this guy, you know? *A bit longer version:* If I’m successful at anything, it’s never missing the forest for the panorama. Take a look at any one place, object, ingredient, and there is a chain of history that links it to some disparate place or object or ingredient. That chain fascinates […]

Short Subjects

More notes from a commuter

*11/18 1:21 am* — The old LIRR trains with the blue and red seats were just not made for typing on a portable computer. They have outlets, but there is no way to get comfortable while typing. — Today at {computer company that shall not be named} there was a graduate student who was working […]