
Russell’s Law of Thermal Dynamics

My father gave me a good bit of advice before the onset of the cold weather. “Son,” he told me, “get yourself a pair of thermal underwear.” His business demands a lot of time spent outdoors, which generally isn’t a problem in the summer, as long as one looks out for dehydration, but the winter gets uncomfortable quickly. Layering clothes helps quite a bit to stay warm, but I cringed at the thought of wearing thermal underwear.

Russell’s Law of Thermal Dynamics #1: Clothing that grandmothers want you to wear are lame, nerdy, uncomfortable clothes.

My grandmother always told me to wear thermal underwear, t-shirts under my t-shirts, scarves, gloves, knit hats, and heavy winter jackets as soon as the temperature fell below 62° (16° C for my Canadian friends). Grandma liked button-down shirts with starchy collars, ties, shoes instead of sneakers, non-tube socks; although she’d buy me a bunch of tube socks every birthday for the upcoming school season. In short, when I was 5 until, let’s say, 27, I hated all of the clothing that my grandmother would have liked to see me in. But then something happened.

Russell’s Law of Thermal Dynamics #2: When you can buy your own lame, nerdy clothes, at least you can make sure they’re comfortable.

Correlation to Law #2: Grandparents buy uncomfortable clothes for their grandkids.

What happened was I got a job that required “business casual” attire. Despite my insistence that blue jeans and a relatively clean Pink Floyd t-shirt qualified, the dress code required the expansion of my wardrobe into old, undisturbed realms that I had not visited since my Confirmation. I had to wear ties and Oxford shirts and something called Dockers and shoes that had no swish nor rhymed with “bok.” I quickly discovered that spending just a little more money for these dreadful clothes afforded me comfort when I wore them. I swear, the first time I wore dress shoes that didn’t make my toes feel like they were being crushed, I thought the whole square-toed, stiff-shoed experiences from my childhood were some kind of ritualistic foot-binding that my relatives thought could bring in more money for my dowry. Not only were the shoes I was wearing comfortable, but, as I began to pay attention to my sneaker-clad peers, they were actually pretty good looking.

Russell’s Law of Thermal Dynamics #3: Man makes the clothing. You look as cool as you are willing to spend, in money and time.

Pretty much overnight my entire outlook towards clothing changed. T-shirts under dress shirts made sense, because the t-shirt was softer and prevented chaffing of the sensitive parts of a man’s chest. Boxers were so much better than briefs, because, well, let me just assure you that the binding feeling I got with those childhood shoes had nothing on the binding feeling that jockey’s give me. Dress socks were another genuine surprise. The thin elastic ones that you can see through were big hits a couple of generations ago, and, as noted, are purchased exclusively now to punish grandkids. But there are thick, cushiony socks in every imaginable earth-tone, and they look better in those comfy dress shoes, too. Nothing screams “I live with my mother” more than a grown man in Dockers, loafers, and tube socks. I learned to coordinate and accessorize. Ties still bothered me, and will forever. I can’t tie them correctly, and no matter what the knot or fabric, ties are meant to be noosed around the throat without a gap between the collar and the tie knot. I did buy ties that looked good, but I have never appreciated them like I have the socks, shoes, belts, etc.

Russell’s Law of Thermal Dynamics #4: What comes around goes around. Soon you too will wear what your grandmother wanted you to.

But winter clothes were still stuck in my mind as things for four year-olds. So when my father suggested thermal underwear to keep warm this season, I silently scoffed. And bought a pair. As soon as I put them on, I noted the similarity to comfy flannel pajamas. Flannel pajamas are another thing that Grandma would give to me on holidays. I resisted wearing them until one particularly cold winter, and now I look forward to getting them every Christmas. Getting back to the thermals, they just work. I’ve been outside in freezing weather for hours at a time, and my nose gets a little frosty, but that’s about it. I’m about to invest in several other pairs. I wear two layers of shirts, which means a t-shirt under a t-shirt. I wear gloves. I’m not wearing a knit hat, but I’m not opposed to it at this point. Even my dorky winter jacket is a comfort to me. I’m not ready for a scarf. Not yet. It must be something about the neck. And yet, every day I go out for work, I think to myself that this is how my grandmother wanted me to look when I went out to the bus stop, but I insisted that I was comfortable in just my denim jacket and blue jeans with the hole in the knee. What a stupid kid I was.

Short Subjects


*cough, cough* Excuse me. Just clearing a small amount of doubt from my throat.



We interrupt this blog for a very special interview with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Jesus: Thank you very much, Mac, for letting me take this opportunity to address the world at large to answer a question that has been raised recently, namely, “What would Jesus drink?” I think the answer to this is obvious…

MacPhoenix: Excuse me, Jesus, but…

Jesus: Hey, Mac, didn’t you ever learn that it isn’t nice to interrupt? Especially when I decide whether or not you get into heaven?

MacPhoenix: Yes, Lord, but…

Jesus: Thank you. Anyway, anyone who knows Me knows that I love a drop of Manischewitz now and again. So when someone asks, “What would Jesus drink?” you can assure him that I drink Manischewitz. But lately…

MacPhoenix: Um, Jesus, You see…

Jesus: Look, Mac, you gave Me this opportunity to answer this philosophical question that has been all over the media, and I’m answering it. To continue, sometimes on a Sunday night after all the prayers have been answered, St. Peter and I like to kick back and watch some football with a few brewskis. Lately, I’ve been into Magic Hat’s Fat Angel. It’s got a really nice, mellow flavor, and it reminds me of Raphael, who’s been putting on a few pounds in the past millennium.

MacPhoenix: Jesus, I’m sorry. We want to know what would Jesus drive, not what You would drink.

Jesus: Beg pardon?

MacPhoenix: Yeah, the question is, “What would Jesus drive?

Jesus: But I don’t drive.

MacPhoenix: But if You did?

Jesus: Look, I’ve been doing just fine for two thousand years with just My sandals. The last thing I need to worry about is insurance. I mean, you turn into a senior citizen and those rates shoot right up to heaven. I’m a senior 30 times over. And I wouldn’t even know where to buy one. We don’t have any car salesmen up here. And do I put one of those tacky fish on My car? Or maybe just a vanity plate spelling out “JESUS,” and a tag border that says “Be very careful: Your Savior is in this car.”

MacPhoenix: Thank You, Jesus, for taking the time to answer this thought-provoking question. Next week, we’ll be talking to the Pat Robertson on his views about gay, Liberal Muslims: Are they the chosen people? Good night.

Short Subjects

Small things

A lesson learned today: My father and I are on a repair job at an Italian-themed chain restaurant. They have a steam table, which isn’t draining. For the reader who hasn’t worked in a commercial kitchen, a steam table is something that keeps sauces and soups warm for quick serving, and works by filling water in a basin and keeping it hot with burners underneath. At the end of the night, the steam table is emptied of its water to prevent corrosion, bacteria buildup, etc. It turns out a penny somehow got stuck in the drain.

Since a penny is not, at last check, food, one has to assume that hijinks somehow played a part in the penny getting sucked into the steam table’s drain.

One penny of mischief: $100 service call.

Lesson learned? The small things can be important, too.

Another small thing: I love the translucent, colorful plastic that coats certain objects, like keys. I just got a spare set of keys with the most candy-like blue plastic coating the tops. I look at it and feel like a five-year old. My brain hums with oooh and aaahs as I touch the smooth plastic and see how the light plays with the color. Shiny. Smooth. Yum!

The first iMacs were these colors, too, no doubt lending to their immidate acceptance. I don’t think I am alone in my love for shiny plastic gumdrops.

And, incedently, colored flood lights are coated with the same material. Another tidbit picked up on the job, today.


Tough Talk

I don’t care what they say, I stand by my opinion: bin Laden is dead.

(Update May 2011): Guess I was wrong!



Apparently, I, and everybody I know, are in a very small minority. So small, in fact, that we can’t get a couple of Democrats elected into the Senate. Not that Democrats are doing anything to dissent from the Bushie doctrine, but, at least with Democrats, there is a small chance that they will. Republicans will toe the line.

Every bit of news media that I’ve read in the past couple of weeks seemed to believe that Democrats were holding their own. Now it looks (as of 1:30 in the morning after election day) that the Democrats gained one measly seat in the House, lost the majority in the Senate, and that W will gloat that his ideals are America’s ideals.

Are they? Weren’t we, the thinking citizens of this country, supposed to send W a message that we can’t stand him in office? I thought so, but apparently, I am in the minority.

A small bit of good news. Here in my hometown, few bought into Joe Finley’s absurd notion of making America safe by electing him into the House. And Felix Grucci somehow lost to Tim Bishop, which is a huge surprise considering the giant political machine that Grucci is in charge of.
But that’s small beans compared to the Senate. Ah, but the Democrats there weren’t really doing anything to stop W anyway. Maybe that is why thinking Americans just couldn’t find it in their hearts and minds to vote for them. Maybe.

Or maybe I’m just a deluded minority in a blood-thirsty, ignorant nation.


Commercial from the Future

The Scene: Two men, hairless, dressed in white jumpsuits stand next to each other in a totally white, sterile room. The men possibly have green concentric rings on their bald heads. The UPC identification tattoos, across their foreheads, are fuzzed out to prevent unauthorized cloning. Both men are glumly eating :|COW PRODUCT®|: bars.

First Man: Did you know that people used to complain about foraging in the forest for nuts and berries?

Second Man: Gee. (Taking another bite from :|COW PRODUCT®|:.) What I wouldn’t give for some nuts and berries, now!

First Man: Yeah, but since there are no more forests, or nuts, or berries, or plant life left on Earth, we’ll never get the opportunity. (Sighs.)

Announcer: Wait, fellows! Now :|COW PRODUCT®|: comes in two flavors: Original great-tasting Cow Flavor™, and new Nut-N-Berry Flavor™!

The :|COW PRODUCT®|: bars in their hands turn magically into new Nut-N-Berry Flavor™.

Both Men: Wow! Thanks :|COW PRODUCT®|:!

:|COW PRODUCT®|: theme song plays, while the two men eat the transformed bars enthusiastically.

Announcer (In softer, faster, disclaimer voice): :|COW PRODUCT®|: is a registered trademark of Archer TySony Food Concerns, LLC, Inc. :|COW PRODUCT®|: contains no meat products, since all the animals were wiped out, too.

Short Subjects

End of October Blahs

Two thing have been on my mind, lately. Allow me to share them with you.

The first is wondering why a lot of folks in my age group get apoplectic when a twenty-year old cashier refers to them as “sir” or “ma’am.” I was waiting all my life for a bit of respect from any commercial establishment, so it doesn’t bother me at all. And when I think of it, I was referring to everyone as “sir” or “ma’am,” constantly in my retail/service-industry days. What exactly is wrong with honorifics? Getting to be thirty or forty is not that big of a deal these days. I don’t know why many of my peers think that they are suddenly so old that kids think of them as elders.

One interesting thing about time is that you’ll always be older than those younger than you. This sounds trite, I know, but it’s deeper than that. No matter what age you live to, you’ll always have a frame of reference that is different from those that may eventually get to the same age. As soon as you are born, you are a relic of your time. I guess this may not be soothing to those who wish to believe that they are young-at-heart, and “with it,” but it should lead to a different point of view. Your experiences are enriched with time, and you will always have a larger world view than those that are younger.

And what’s more, everyone should be using honorifics, anyway. A clerk who is 10 years older than me should still ask, “Can I help you, sir,” just as much as a clerk 10 years younger. Chief, boss, and dude just don’t convey the respect that we should all be giving each other. I was going to write a whole essay about this, but then I said, why bother?

The second thing on my mind is depression. It’s insidious. It used to disable me completely, but, with little stress and decent circumstances in my daily life, depression is just kind of nipping at the back of my head. It covers me like a warm, wet blanket — weighing me down just enough that I feel the burden, but not enough that I can’t go on. I’ve noticed it creep up on me for all of October. Although October is a favorite month of mine, what with all the fall colors and Halloween, it has never been good for my mental state.

Lately, I’ve been feeling weary and fatigued for no apparent reason. I stop working on things, because I believe it to be futile to continue just to disappointment. I fail to start on projects for much the same reason.

But, after all, I do these things all the time. It is possible that this month I’ve just noticed it more.

Short Subjects

Dumb things around the island

I keep meaning to take my little digital camera with me to work, since I’m all over the place, every day, and take pictures of the signs that I think are cool or, more often, stupid. I forget every single day, since a morning person I am not. Still, there are two things that I can describe, without a problem so here they are:

  1. We’ve got a congressman running in our district, Joe Finley or some-such, who has the stupidest tag-line I have ever seen. It says, “Elect Joe Finely. Make America Safe.” Now, I don’t know how electing a freshman into Congress would ever Make America Safe, and the sign does not elaborate, but I did check out Joe’s website, where I learned that, as a Republican, he shares GW’s vision. Great. I’m so sure that will help. Please, laugh out loud, as I did, when you read his position on Social Security. And keep in mind that no matter what Democrats or Republicans or the Media say, Social Security is solvent and can currently pay out benefits longer than it could have in the past 40 years, without one bit of change to our taxes or payouts.
  2. The next bit of stupid signage is a license plate. It says, “IXXI MMI.” At first, I admit, I was the stupid one, trying to figure out what the number IXXI represented. Was it 19–1? 1–21? A score of some sort? Could this guy mean 1921? Oh, oh, wait it is 9–11. Oh! 9/11/2001! Oh. Why? We all know the day’s significance, but why put it on your license plate? Why encode it? Useless maudlin.

Okay, well, that wraps up this episode. I really am going to try to get the camera out there. Every day I see something that I think, oh that’s cool, or, oh that’s effen ridiculous. And I’d like to share these with you, my faithful dozen.


Brave New America

John Perry Barlow, co-founder of the Electronic Frontier Foundation, has written a very interesting rant about the recent congressional vote over extending the presidential powers for carte blanche war with Iraq. Here is an excerpt:

Despite the fact that we have been exposed to far worse during our history – whether by Bloody Old England, the Kaiser, Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, the Soviet Union, Red China, or, hell, France on a bad day – we have never before declared war without being attacked nor have we extended an American President the right to do so at his pleasure.

He goes on, pointing out the Orwellian overtones that the government and the media are spoon-feeding us, but then he talks about how the government, or Empire, as he calls it, is totally willing to just ignore us, because we are so unimportant. This wasn’t Orwell, this was Huxley.

Everyone brings up 1984, but apart from me, and Roger Waters, no one seems to remember the book that spelled it out like it is happening: Brave New World.

Lessee: Drugs replace desire for sex? Check. Government represses free-thought with entertainment? Check. Children are produced in bulk by genetic and tinkering? Check. Non-whites are considered savages? Check.

It may be a mix between Orwell and Huxley that we’re living in right now, but I do believe that the government, if we ignore John Ashcroft, would rather we amuse ourselves to coma, just because it is easier to manage. The media sleeps so well and cozy with our government, and both our government and our media are the biggest and the baddest out there.
Barlow gets it right near the end of his screed, but he never acknowledges Huxley. Of course, it doesn’t really matter in light of what is happening, but I just wanted to point out that I recognized this brave new pattern 15 years ago. Aren’t I so smart?