

In this time of the brutal War on Christmas, it takes a strong leader to remind us what is really important, which is the continual War on Reason. No matter how far into ignorance and blindness we must go, King George will lead us there, appointed by God, anointed by Jesus, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
King George. We are so lucky to have him. Any lesser man would be troubled by [breaking the law][1] [over][2] and [over][3] and [over][4] again. But unto the King, no laws need stand, for he is Law, and he is Justice, and he is merciful to his subjects, even when they [disagree with him][4a]. And King George knows he must break the law to protect us, because otherwise we might vote for the opposition party, and they do not have the balls to do what is right in the face of imminent danger, oh yes one-day-in-the-nebulous-future-imminent danger.
King George. Appointed by God’s Heavenly Agents on Earth. Anointed by [the press][5]. Filled with Holy Spirit as only a dry drunk can be. Why were we the lucky ones? What if King George had been born unto the [heathen oil-drillers][6]? What if King George had had but one successful business venture instead of [several failed ones][7] before entering politics? What if King George had [concentrated][8] his whole life to ethics, sociology, history, politics, or economics? Would he still be our King?
Thankfully, these need no answer, because he his our [King][9]. And may God have mercy on us all.

Short Subjects

I think I am, therefore I might be

From this quiz, (link via [Orcinus][1]), I found out that I’m an [existentialist][2]. I figured I’d be materialist, but, hey, who am I to argue with an unobjective, unscientific test? Wait! [Who am I, period][3]?

You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.











Cultural Creative






What is Your World View? (updated)
created with

This quiz is also written in some of the ugliest code I have on my site! Wheeee!

Short Subjects

Lunatic Atheists

![Lunatic Fringe](
>Lunatic fringe
>In the twilight’s last gleaming
>This is open season
>But you won’t get too far
>We know you’ve got to blame someone
>For your own confusion
>But we’re on guard this time
>Against your final solution
Image from [the Democratic Party][1]. Link via [Pharyngula][2]. *Lunatic Fringe* by [Red Rover][3].


Forward Thinking

So last night I’m driving down Lakeland Avenue, delivering fine foodstuffs for customers of [Lynda’s Eat Well and Be Well][1], and it’s about an hour into a snow storm that will eventually dump 4 inches of snow in the area. Lakeland Ave, for those not familiar, is a four lane road and the speed limit is 50 MPH. It’s a fairly trafficked road, and at that point in the evening, even though it was late, the road was just wet; no snow was sticking to it, and the temperature was above freezing.
I mention all this, because as one of Long Island’s premier *Offensive Drivers*, I get impatient with hesitant drivers very quickly. And when ever there is snow in the air, people begin to drive very hesitantly, which reminds me of an aside:
When Katherine and I went to Las Vegas, we took a side trip to the Grand Canyon. We drove 6 hours to get there, and we didn’t see much of it, since it was cold and the sun was setting. I raced back in 4 and a half hours, determined not to stop or slow down for anything. In the middle of the ride back, it started to rain. It wasn’t a bad rain for driving, because it wasn’t so hard that it ruined visibility, and it wasn’t a drizzle that causes the oil embedded in the surface of the road to rise up and make everything dangerously slippery. It was just a steady rhythm of rain. But you wouldn’t have known it from the way everyone else was driving. And you wouldn’t have known it from the radio. The radio deejays were warning all of us to get indoors and stay off the roads.
The rains lasted about 40 minutes. I heard nothing about flooding or flood warnings anywhere in the area. They were all just crazy with fear about something that they only dealt with a few times a year.
And so it goes with Long Island drivers and snow. The very smell of it makes brake lights squeeze on.
I just want to get where I’m going. I don’t trust other drivers, and their supposed *caution* actually makes me far more nervous than anything else. Last night there were more cars driving in between lanes and mysteriously slowing down or stopping than any other time on the run I make every week. Visibility was fine


Why does Honda hate Christmas?

With their [Happy Honda Days][1] advertising campaign, Honda proves that they are [anti-Christian][2]. We must boycott them. Remember, fellow Christian Warriors, the proper way to sell more cars in this holy season is with a Merry Chrysler.
[1]: “Didn’t we convert them after the war?”
[2]: “If Bill O’Reilly believes it, it must be true.”

Short Subjects

Hawt Biznez

After several years of questionable tax practices (just kidding Mr. IRS-man), I have finally made it official. [MacPhoenix Design][1] is open for business. Now let the millions come rolling in.
Despite being a poor schlub, I like to do the right thing as far as software and fonts and such. When I’m working on something for myself, like Halloween invites, I don’t stress too much about what typeface I’m using and how it was obtained, but when I do commercial work, even for things I put on [CafePress][2], I like to make sure I actually own the typeface I used. I mean, it’s the very least I can do, since I am, uh, *testing* several hundred fonts.
Actually, I tend to stick to the fonts that Microsoft and Adobe install with their software, which fits my need, especially on the web, 90% of the time. But I used to work at Kinko’s, and people would install crazy amounts of fonts on the self-service computers there. When we cleaned the machines out, we would inevitably save a copy of whatever was put on there. On a [SyQuest 88][6], of course. Ah, the memories.
Anyway, as I said, I like to do the right thing. Now that MacPhoenix Design is going legit, I decided that I really should get a license for [Pike][3], the typeface that is the base for the [MacPhoenix logo][4]. I went to [FontHaus][5] to order it, and filled out the registration, when, during confirmation of my data, FontHaus told me I was already registered. I checked my voluminous email archive for a receipt from FontHaus, and, sure enough, I had purchased Pike over two years ago.
This made me feel exceptionally good about myself.
[1]: “MacPhoenix Design. Web design and hosting for the people.”
[2]: “MacPhoenix Swag”
[3]: “A good database of fonts and their foundries.”
[4]: “My awesome logo.”
[5]: “They’ve got good prices.”
[6]: “Aw yeah! 88 MEGAbytes of grinding noises and indecipherable blinking lights!”

Short Subjects

Diploma-mill spam

I’ve gotten a couple of weird spam emails in the past couple of weeks. My spam filters are set extraordinarily high, but occasionally a few creep through, like these two below, which had no actually web address to click on. Instead, I was invited to call a phone number that a reverse trace revealed to be somewhere in Washington state.
The first was titled *Requested Material*, which is a sure sign that I never requested the material:
>Just a Reminder;
>Our University Enrollment department has been trying to contact you.
>The date for enrolling in our 2 week degree program is ending on
>Friday, November 25th, 2005.
>As of now we can only offer you a BA, BSc, or a MA.
>If you enroll by the due date then your degree of choice and transcripts
>can be sent to you within 2 weeks.
>Enrollment Office:
>Riley Lewis
>BSc Education
>Administration Office
*BSc Education*, huh? That must be Ivy League. I can get a Bachelors or Masters degree in two weeks? Wow! Sounds easier than Harvard Business School, where any dumb president can earn a solid “C.”
The second, titled *Re:Education*, a lovely pun, was received two weeks later, where I was relieved to learn that they finally broke through the bureaucratic loggerhead that prevented them from offering me a doctorate in only two weeks. But I’m a little concerned about any University that can’t actually spell “university” correctly:
>Based on your present knowledge and past life experiences our University administration office has been trying to contact you. We feel you may qualify for one of our Univsersity*(sic)* degrees in your area of expertise.
>We have been qualifying people based on thier experiences in past and present jobs and are offering qualified degrees with transcripts for those that qualify.
>If you call our offices now we can confirm our information and send you either a Bachelors’, Masters’, or Doctorate within 2 weeks.
>Administration Office Number:
>Administration Hours:
>24 hours, 7 Days a week, including Sundays and Holidays
>University Administration
>Eric Moore
>Client Identification: Q6491
This one didn’t even put in the “BSc Education” name, which is probably nonsense anyway, and just settled for the ubiquitous *University Administration*. So is this a guy in a basement with a laser printer and some fancy paper who prints up degrees on demand? I’m tempted to call up and ask for a degree in *Cartoonology* or somesuch. Something that would really help me get ahead, you know?
And what a difference a dash makes. I originally read “past life experiences” as “past-life experiences” and thought of Scientology, but it was just phrased awkwardly and not actually referring to my previous existence as [Charlemagne][1], which would easily earn me a degree in “Bat-shit Crazy.”
[1]: “Anyone with European blood in them is supposedly related to him. At least according to Kurt Vonnegut.”

Short Subjects

Red light, green light, 1-2-3

Jinx, our well-dressed turkey of a cat, considers herself the middle of our three-being clan. When she and I stare each other down, I win; she’ll look away first. But when Katherine and Jinx stare at each other, Jinx actually charges poor Katherine. Jinx doesn’t actually do anything but try to get Kathy to stop looking at her, but it bemuses poor Katherine while it never fails to amuse me.
The cat has lately taken to playing a game of chicken with Katherine that reminds me of the classic kids game, Red Light Green Light, where one kid stands towards one end of a yard, and the other kids can only move when the first kid is not looking. Jinx waits for Kathy to doze off. Katherine likes to fight falling to sleep, so she tends to get heavy-lidded and then pretend that nothing was happening if I look at her. But Jinx will take the opportunity to move closer to Katherine during these little 3-second nods. What’s particularly funny about this is that when Katherine opens her eyes again, Jinx will sit, wide-eyed, staring at Katherine, not moving again until Katherine succumbs to her exhaustion. Eventually, Jinx reaches Katherine, jumps right next to her, and scares the crap out of her.
At any point, of course, I could have stopped this, since I’m watching it all very intently. But that’s not what the top cat does.
Speaking of cats, I promised some weeks ago to post a picture of Annie, the cat of Erick and Michele’s that was killed by a car. In order to secure the photo, I had to mention that Bandit, their ferret, had died just before that from a blocked bladder. Two pets in just a week died for poor Erick and Michele. Now they’re just down to one bird… and five neighborhood/stray cats that Michele will probably entice into their house… and the three raccoons that feed on the same food that they leave out for the strays… and the baby which they’ll have in December. He’s not a pet, per se, but he’ll certainly be at their tender mercies.
Anyway, here’s the late Annie and Bandit sharing a meal:
Annie the cat and Bandit the ferret eating some cat food.


Dick Cheney Halloween Special

Doctored photo of Dick Cheney
The Halloween spirit infected me (and Dick Cheney apparently), and I couldn’t resist altering this photo a bit. Honestly, it’s not too far from [the original][1]. Thanks to Cheney for making it so easy to retouch his dark, soulless countenance into something more sympathetic.


I wouldn't eat at that McDonalds

Seen on a McDonald’s sign during a recent night’s drive:
**Monopolsy is back.**
I’m worried that with the rise in drug-resistant bacteria, it’s only a matter of time before Monopolsy breaks out everywhere.